Wibbly Stuff

Aqua - A Light Theme For Gnome Shell 3.2

After a Dark Shell theme, I thought I would bring some fresh air to my Shell. Then I made Aqua, a light theme for Gnome Shell. I must say, making those Gnome Shell themes are not difficult. The thing that is difficult is to think of a new design with the presence of so many good designs. But once you make a design, and know little CSS, then theming is very easy. Gnome 2 was customizable, but not so much. You had to depend on experienced theme developers, and then you might not like some elements or the entire theme. But there was no easier way to make themes. Kudos to Gnome Team to make Gnome Shell as well as GTK3 so much customizable :)

Ok, let's come back to topic. Aqua is compatible with the latest Gnome Shell 3.2 and you can get it here. Installation instructions are there in that page and also in the README file included in the download.

You might not like it. But then you should think of creating your own. Believe me, if you learn CSS, you have the advantage of being capable of web designing, as well as Gnome 3 theming.